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Anchor Pumps

    5 Essential Steps for preventing flood damage

    Flooding can be a big problem for homeowners in certain parts of the UK as we've seen most recently with the disastrous floods at the start for 2014 and throughout the summer of 2013! With around 5 million properties in England at risk of flooding, and over £1 billion worth of damage caused at the start of this year, preventing your home from flood damage is... Read more

    8 Essential water conservation tips for homeowners

    Water is a scarce natural resource and there is increasing pressure on all of us to reduce water consumption in the home. Not only can this impact on our utility bills, but it can help the environment. There are many different of ways to conserve water, which we also looked at within our recent heating and water money saving infographic, that do... Read more

    Q&A: Do I need a positive or negative shower head pump?

    One question the team at Anchor Pumps are asked when it comes to shower pumps, is the common confusion between negative or positive shower head pump. To help, we have put together a useful explanation of the two and details of the situations in which you need either a positive or negative shower pump. Shower pumps come in two varieties... Read more

    Low Water Pressure Explained

    Pressure is the force by which water moves through a pipe and the measurement unit for pressure is the bar. One bar is equivalent to one atmosphere, the standard atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level. This is also defined as the force needed to lift water to a height of 10 metres through a pipe. Structural factors The water... Read more

    How to Harvest Rainwater with Grundfos

    Water harvesting is a method of capturing rainwater running off rooftops, piping it to a storage tank or cistern and using it as non-potable water around the home or business. Although a standard plastic tank is usually sufficient to store water outside of a building for use in watering nearby plants or a whole garden, pumps are necessary if the... Read more

    Flooding Pumps Explained

    The types of pump needed to deal with flood water or any type of standing water due to rising river levels have to be powerful, sturdy and able to deal with very dirty liquids. Often, these flood water pumps have to be relied on to operate continuously for an extended time, usually when the householder or other property owner is unable... Read more

    5 Year Warranty with Grundfos Pumps

    The New Year could not get off to a better start with the news that all Grundfos Domestic Circulator pumps now have a five year warranty. It is further evidence that Grundfos are committed to delivering exceptional quality and can guarantee that their pumps provide lasting solutions. This can be attributed to their relentless drive to offer a premium pump... Read more

    What Could be Affecting your Water Pressure?

    Most people have experienced the frustration of low water pressure, a shower turning into a nightmare because the hose pipe is in use or dishes are being washed. Anchor Pumps aims to remedy all your issues when it comes to pumps and water pressure. One reason why your water pressure might be low is if more households are being connected... Read more

    Infographic: Saving money on heating and water bills

    With the recent rise in prices from the majority of UK suppliers, we have pulled together our top money saving tips in an eye catching infographic to help you save on the cost of heating and water bills in 2014. Compiled from recent statistics via a number of trusted industry sources, the useful infographic highlights eye opening facts and statistics... Read more

    Beat the Rise in Energy Bills with Efficient Pump Solutions

    Four of the UK’s ‘Big Six’ energy providers have recently introduced price rises of around 8% for 2013/14. This is bad news to homeowners who will already be cranking up the central heating now that winter has rolled around. Here at Anchor Pumps we understand that there is a constant need to cut down on those pricey energy bills, and... Read more

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